July 1, 2024


Hungry for knowledge ByteNana

📢 Rant Time: Greedy Game Developers and Monetization Madness! 🎮💸

4 min read

Remember the good old days when you bought a game, and you had 100% of the game right from the start? Ah, the nostalgia! Sadly, those days seem to be fading away in the shadow of greedy game developers and their relentless pursuit of monetization. Let’s dive into the madness that has plagued the gaming industry: season passes and loot boxes!

It seems like every new release is accompanied by a barrage of additional content and season passes. What happened to the days when you could enjoy a complete gaming experience without feeling like you were missing out on vital parts of the story? Instead, we’re now presented with the option to purchase “extra” content, which oftentimes feels like it should have been included in the base game to begin with.

And let’s not forget about those infamous loot boxes. They promise exciting rewards, but more often than not, they turn out to be a gambling mechanism designed to drain your hard-earned money. The allure of a rare item or a powerful weapon pushes players to spend more and more, hoping to strike it lucky. But behind the flashy animations and tempting odds lies a predatory system that preys on players’ desires and fuels addiction.

Don’t get me wrong; I understand that game development is a business and that developers need to make money. However, the balance between providing an enjoyable gaming experience and incessant monetization has been tipped in favor of the latter. Games have become platforms for endless microtransactions, where the focus on genuine creativity and player satisfaction takes a backseat.

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We long for a return to the days when we could purchase a game and have the complete package, without feeling like our wallets were being squeezed at every turn. We miss the sense of accomplishment that came from unlocking items through gameplay, rather than reaching for our credit cards.

But fear not

fellow gamers! There is hope on the horizon. A growing awareness among players, combined with increased scrutiny from regulators, has started to shift the landscape. Developers are being held accountable for their monetization practices, and players are demanding fairer, more consumer-friendly models.

So, let’s raise our voices and advocate for change. Let’s support developers who prioritize player experience over profit margins. And most importantly, let’s remember the good old days while working towards a future where our love for gaming is not overshadowed by the relentless pursuit of our wallets.

No more pre order’s please

Hey there, fellow gamers! Let’s have a serious chat about pre-ordering games and why it might be a good idea to hit that pause button before diving in headfirst. The gaming industry has seen a troubling trend lately: games being released in a half-baked state. Here’s why you should think twice before pre-ordering your next gaming adventure.

1️⃣ Unfinished Experiences

Pre-ordering games used to be exciting, a way to secure your copy and show your support for the developers. However, more often than not, we’re seeing games being released with glaring bugs, performance issues, and missing features. It’s like buying a cake only to find out that it’s missing its frosting and half the ingredients.

2️⃣ Broken Promises

Remember those fantastic trailers and enticing gameplay demos that get you all hyped up? Well, sometimes those trailers are deceptive, showcasing features that never make it into the final game. Pre-ordering based on promises can leave you feeling betrayed when the reality falls short of expectations.

3️⃣ Day-One Patches

In recent years, it has become commonplace for games to require significant day-one patches to fix critical issues. This practice essentially means that the game you receive on release day is not the complete or polished version. Shouldn’t we expect a finished product when we spend our hard-earned money?

4️⃣ Reviews and Opinions

By waiting for reviews and player feedback before making a purchase, you gain valuable insight into the game’s quality, performance, and overall experience. Learning from others’ experiences can save you from potential disappointment and frustration.

5️⃣ Consumer Power

As consumers, we hold immense power in shaping the gaming industry. By refraining from pre-orders and demanding better quality, we send a strong message to developers that we won’t settle for half-baked experiences. This pressure can push studios to prioritize quality and deliver games that are truly worth our time and money.

Now, don’t get me wrong—I’m not suggesting that all games are unworthy of pre-ordering. Many developers strive for excellence and deliver fantastic experiences right from the start. However, the increasing prevalence of incomplete releases should make us more cautious.

So, let’s be patient. Let’s wait for reviews, watch gameplay videos, and gather information before making an informed decision. By doing so, we can support games that truly deserve our support and send a clear message to the industry that we demand better.

Remember, it’s okay to be excited about upcoming games, but let’s ensure that our excitement doesn’t blind us to potential disappointments. Together, as an informed and discerning gaming community, we can help steer the industry toward a brighter and more reliable future.


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