June 29, 2024


Hungry for knowledge ByteNana

FFXVI: The Game Everyone Loves, But I Found It Boring AF!

3 min read

Tired male student or worker sit at home office desk look in distance having sleep deprivation, lazy millennial man distracted from work feel lazy lack motivation, thinking of dull monotonous job

A Mixed Bag of Expectations and Disappointments

The Game Everyone Loves, But I Found It Boring AF
Let me start by saying that I had high hopes for Final Fantasy XVI. With all the positive buzz surrounding it, I expected to be swept away by an epic adventure. Unfortunately, my experience with the game left me feeling underwhelmed and bored. In this post, I’ll share my honest perspective on Final Fantasy XIV, diving into the story, gameplay, and visuals that failed to captivate me.

The Story

A Rollercoaster of Cutscenes and Lackluster Progression
At first, the story seemed promising. I was intrigued by the initial cutscene, eagerly anticipating an engaging narrative. However, my excitement quickly faded as I realized that the game was constantly interrupting my gameplay with lengthy cutscenes. Five seconds of walking, and there I was, thrown back into another cutscene. It felt disjointed and disrupted any sense of immersion I had hoped for.

Moreover, the pauses between characters’ speech were incredibly frustrating. It felt like the game was deliberately teasing me, making me wait endlessly for the dialogue to continue. Instead of enhancing the storytelling, it only served to irritate me and hinder my overall enjoyment.


Repetitive Combat that Failed to Excite
Combat is a critical aspect of any game, and in Final Fantasy XVI, it fell short of my expectations. I found myself mindlessly pushing the square button, endlessly repeating the same actions. The lack of depth and variety left me feeling disengaged and unchallenged. The combat quickly became a monotonous chore, robbing me of any sense of excitement or accomplishment.

To make matters worse, the way my character effortlessly jumped from one enemy to another felt uninspired and disconnected. I longed for a more immersive and strategic combat experience, but instead, I was left with a shallow and unfulfilling system.

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The One Saving Grace in a Sea of Disappointments
Despite my overall disappointment, I must give credit where it’s due. Final Fantasy XVI does have impressive visuals. The graphics are undeniably stunning, with beautifully designed characters and captivating landscapes. The attention to detail in the world-building is commendable, and it’s one aspect of the game that managed to hold my attention.

A demo of Differing Tastes
While Final Fantasy XVI has been hailed as a game of the year contender, it’s essential to remember that not every game resonates with everyone. My personal experience with Final Fantasy XIV was marred by a lackluster story progression, repetitive gameplay, and a combat system that failed to engage me. However, I acknowledge that others may find enjoyment in these aspects.

It’s crucial to understand that gaming preferences are subjective, and what may be dull to one person can be a thrilling adventure for another. While Final Fantasy XVI didn’t capture my interest, it has amassed a dedicated fanbase and garnered critical acclaim. Despite my disappointment, I recognize the game’s positive qualities and its significant impact on the MMORPG genre.

In the end, Final Fantasy XIV remains a game that elicits differing opinions, and it’s up to each individual to determine whether it’s a journey worth embarking on.

google.com, pub-2830108550193155, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0